In Silicon Valley you’d quit and start a competitor

I was bitching about something I thought we where doing at my gig which was in my opinion stupid. The quote is what Luke Wroblewski said would be the customary thing to to do in the Valley.

He also said that staying in a job for more than two years means you lack initiative and you’re basically someone you wouldn’t hire. Granted this is probably not always true, but still it says something of a competitive market. I have changed jobs pretty frequently the past 6-7 years, lasting about 1-2 years. This gives me a problem in Norway. I change jobs too often and would have a problem if I didn’t stay in one place a bit longer soon. Quite the difference I guess, but does it matter?

What’s my point? I guess to show how different cultures are when it comes to hiring and work life. These differences might reflect why little happens in terms of new products and services in one place and it thrives in another.