Vi har lett for å skylde på andre når våre fordommer og rasisme vises i det offentlige rom. Et ferskt eksempel er når vi snakker om folkemordet i Palestina. Folk bruker polarisering som grunn til at de ikke vil stå fram eller vise støtte for Palestineres rett til å eksistere. Det er en betimelig unnskyldning at sosiale medier og importerte problemer fra USA er grunnen til stillheten fra ledere og bedrifter.
I was progressing through my thirties and I was cleaning out some stuff in my parents garage when I found some old fanzines from when I was young. It reminded me of a time when I was politically conscious. Reflecting on it I realized that I had somehow lost connection with this part of me, life and things came in the way. The fire I had was gone and it saddened me.
Yes, it is a “funny” word play on the legendary sci-fi novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? The title of this article is something I have had in the back of my mind since very early on in my career and it has stuck with me.
Note! If you are offended by swearing, bad language and grammar you will have a blast reading this article as it contains a lot of it 😂
You were forced to work a lot to reach a milestone set by someone else. It could be for a number of reasons and often times it’s because someone made a mistake that these things happen (or the person in charge is an ass or an incompetent ass). You put all things on hold, dig in and put in the hours. Depending on how long this lasts , days, weeks or even months.
Often times when working with developing software you get this urge to think “if it can do X, what about Y”. When thinking this you get this nice feeling inside and a sparkle in your eye. It’s the feeling of being A Proper Engineer. As the stereotype of one is that they are capable of future sight and gifted with the ability of crafting the most amazing designs up front by just Thinking Right.