
I started doing talks to get into a conference for free, this was back in 2007 when I was working for a startup which had no money. It was at a small agile conference in Oslo, Norway. As it turned out, I enjoyed doing talks. It was nerve wrecking, but it I also enjoyed speaking to people about things I felt strongly about.
In the beginning I did them in my native language, Norwegian. As I got more comfortable with speaking, I challenged myself into doing it in English.
So f%$&#ing easy,Y Oslo 2019
Understanding other peoples systems, Booster Conference 2019
En historie om 0’er og 1’ere, Trondheim Developer Conference, 2016
Jeg tok feil, Lightning talk at Developer Day at 2014
Conquering the wicked kingdom of Java with a NodeJS Trojan horse, Booster Conference, Trondheim Developer Conference and JavaZone 2014
Få ballene dine innafor bokseren og ikke vift med de foran nesa mi, Smidig 2011, slides, video
How we blew our shot at beating Spotify, spending two metric truckloads of cash doing it, JavaZone 2010 slides, video
Det Smidige Sosialdemokrati, Smidig 2009 slides, video
The Essence of User Interface Programming, video[min video
Hvorfor slaktere ikke spiser pøler?, lyntale om programvare arkitekter på Software 2009, Oslo.
Why Test Driven Development has little to do with testing, Tekna Oslo 2008
Du sier Agile, jeg sier frAgile, lyntale på Smidig 2008, slides
Eliminate Waste In Java Web Development Using Flex, JavaZone 2007