Watching a documentary from the Ferrari factory who makes the body for the FF model I notice something interesting. When they craft the aluminum parts for the body the narrator says: “each part is welded together by craftsmen”.

That quote implies that repetitive tasks performed day in and day out are indeed something that requires a genuine craftsman.

Now compare that to how the software industry tends to portray a craftsman coder. That’s the super stars who make amazing new stuff all day every day. With the latest technology and using the latest of methodology.
In our industry the repetitive “grunt” tasks are seldom done by those who call them selves craftsmen. Instead novices and the inexperienced are left to do these tasks.

Perhaps herein lies some of the reasons why the software industry continues to perform badly when it comes to creating amazing quality. Our own unwillingness to iterate and continuously improving existing processes and ways of working.

Or it might be just yet another bad analogy which retarded people like myself spend too much time on.