I’ve been coding since I was a kid and I’ve always loved computers, and I still love programming. I use to get all excited about new software and gadgets. Attending conferences and other geek gatherings used to fill me with excitement.
These days most of my inspiration to continue programming comes from elsewhere. It comes from listening to amazing people like desinger/artist James Victore. Having lunch with people like my friend Trond.
A while ago I had an one - on one chat with my manager. During which I realized this: “I behave the way I do in order to build pressure upon myself to work hard”
I have never been a hard working student. Since as long as I can remember I have been a practitioner of th “skippertak” (an English equivalent would be somethi like to pull all nighters as a general rule of working).
There is one thing I would like to accomplish the next year and that is to contribute more to Open Source projects. I have never been very active in contributing patches, documentation or maintaining projects. It used to be because getting into it seemed as too much work. With GitHub this is no longer the case. Taking part and contributing is just so simple and easy.
How come I feel this need now to start taking more active part in the OSS community?
Too many people try to change their surroundings and feel miserable while doing it. If you’re not happy with something, either suck it up or move on! There’s nothing in the human rights about the right to always feel great at work. If you’re not, it is up to you to change your situation. The chances that something will make you feel different in a while are slim. Nobody is going to look at your situation and sort things out.
Software development as a cooperative game
This quote got me thinking today, because if it really is a cooperative game and teams are how we structure people working to solve problems, shouldn’t we look towards other team activities for inspiration?
When you work as a team, it is important to have diversity and a mixed set of skills. Especially in software development cross-functional teams is something that can be a good thing.