What’s in a name?

what’s in a name? In my experience pretty much everything is in the name when it comes to the art of programming. If you start out with bad naming and a structure which does not communicate any of your intentions with writing the code you will end up having problems. Either understanding it yourself or having anyone else make sense of your code. When I do code reviews I often only get to this part.
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A pragmatic approach means taking your surroundings into account when creating new buildings I watched this program about an architecture collective in Denmark called Adept (or something). They had “a pragmatic approach” towards architecture. What they meant was that if you where to build a new house in the midst of some ugly piece of urban sprawl you shouldn’t design something totally spaced out, but instead realize that the ugliness around you is going to be there for a while and you should take it into consideration in your project.
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Rebels from around the world

Rebels from around the world
The map in the cover photo just blows my mind. It shows the whereabouts of the people who’s played videos from the Web Rebels conference up on Vimeo. I still can not believe that we’ve hosted this event and I sure as hell can not believe that we didn’t fuck it up :) I am a firm believer in that everything that can go wrong, most definitely will when it comes to these kinds of things.
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Web Rebels 2012 ßis a warp

I just wanted to repeat my thanks for inviting me to Web Rebels. It was a fantastic event and was easily my favorite conference to have spoken at this year The first ever Web Rebels conference is over and it was absolutely fucking amazing. Everything went as we’d hoped and Oslo was so kind as to present itself at it’s finest. I loved every minute of organizing this event. The attendees and speakers where inspiring, funny, kind and just amazing people.
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Et eventyr er over for denne gang

Et eventyr er over for denne gang
I år har jeg valgt å avvikle Inntektslaget,d mitt enkeltpersonsforetak. Det har vært morsomme tre år og definitivt en erfaring å ta med seg videre. Opprinnelig startet jeg det fordi jeg så en mulighet for å tjene penger på å holde foredrag om Flex rammeverket i Oslo mens det enda var få som kunne det. Jeg hadde fått en del erfaring gjennom arbeidet med Ezmo musikkspilleren og den så jeg en mulighet for å tjene noen ekstra kroner på.
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