Distribuerte produksjonsenheter er kommet for å bli

A dark night with stars in the distance and a glowing light in the bottom right corner
Jeg tok en sjanse i sommer, jeg gikk over i en jobb hvor jeg visste at jeg kom til å jobbe som del av et distribuert team i Vibbio. Resonnementet bak å prøve var at om det funker og jeg liker det kan det åpne nye muligheter for å gjøre morsomme ting i femtiden. Jeg har en erfaring med å jobbe distribuert og det var under en oppsigelsestid hvor jeg var fristilt.
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0’er og 1’ere

Trondheim Developer Conference var stedet jeg valgte for å bearbeide følelser om noe som skjedde for seksten år siden. En Historie Om 0 og 1 er et foredrag hvor jeg forsøker å beskrive hvordan det var for meg å møte veggen og hva jeg ser som problematisk med dagens utviklermiljø. Hvorfor? Fordi vi som jobber med systemutvikling trenger å snakke om de vanskelige menneskelige tingene. Jeg håper at ved å fortelle min historie kan jeg hjelpe andre og kanskje hjelpe til å endre usunne holdninger som er i vårt miljø.
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Relax, it’ll be alright

A deer laying in the grass on what looks like a hill top. The weather is nice.
Photo by https://www.flickr.com/photos/39877441@N05/6247115482
I was incredibly fed up waiting for the chance to make a living writing code. Since I was very young, I’d wanted to program computers for a living. The years it took me to get there felt like an endless wait of learning things I didn’t care for. Looking back though, the learning I didn’t care for was perhaps the most valuable. Anyways…. When I finally was given a job as a programmer I was living the dream, my dream.
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Min Jævla Prosess - My Damn Process

A white background with a lot of lines crossing each other in a chaotic pattern
Photo by https://www.flickr.com/photos/vegard/15041090974/
I realized today that my way of doing things is really quite simple, so I decided to write it down: This is my natural way of doing things. However, not everyone follow this simple three step process. It is like my current boss said: “I assume you just set off down a hill when you go skiing”. My response was: “Of course, I always do that. Don’t you?”. If you know everything about the terrain and have identified all the possible consequences, to me, you have removed all the fun.
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Giving advice

A picture from a dirty and messy room, we see a leg on top of a desk. The pants pulled up to show a hairy white persons leg with the words "Don't look back" written on it
Photo by https://www.flickr.com/photos/easy_rhino/6273472720/[/caption
First thing about giving advice is that you should add a disclaimer: “These are my experiences, views and opinions. Treat them as such and then make your own reflections on whether they’re worth taking to hear or not” The version of me that existed a couple of years ago would not add the disclaimer. I’d just burst out my opinions as truths without blinking. Anything from advice on coding to career advice I’d lay out without giving it a second thought.
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