Attending a conference has changed my life

I was fortunate to be able to attend JSConf EU in 2011. This turned out to be a life altering event. Going there I expected to see some nice talks and get drunk in the awesome city of Berlin. While I did both of those things, what happened in the can going to Berlin airport was not expected. I got on board to organise a JSconf-style conference in Oslo: The Web Rebels Conference.
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Cross roads

A black and white photo of a road crossing, with dirty roads in all directions. We se a city far off in the distance.
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I am fast approaching 40 years old which is pretty fucking scary in general, but even more so when you work in software. No more am I allegeable for jobs, as I’m no longer in a place where I am viewed as something for the future. These amazing and brilliant young people coming through are just so much better than I ever was. It’s a young people’s game, programming. I have many friends who are of similar age and we share a common scare.
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Welcome back

I was sitting on the floor playing with my son after coming home from work when my wife said: “it’s great to have you back". I was puzzled, what did she mean by that? Back from work? I hadn’t been away or anything so it had to be that, right? After putting our son to sleep I asked her what she meant. She said it was nice to see me present and participating when returning from work.
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The Parrot Culture

Black and white close up photo of an ara parrot.
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This has probably always been the case to some degree, but I think it gets even more apparent with the Internet and the rise of social media. What exactly? The culture where everyone is a parrot, merely repeating what some idol said in a post / interview / talk without really thinking things through and asking questions. Who said that? # I was asked this in a meeting when I presented an idea of how to structure web applications in a way which gave focus on the end user’s and not the technology.
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On being a –insert title here–

The last five years I have had the privilege of having jobs with awesome titles like “Front end architect” and I was even at one point a CTO. Being in such positions enables you to have the impact to see ideas materialize. You also have impact on how others do their job. About two years ago I became the leader of the front-end core team at after having been the front-end architect (the company decided to remove the architect role).
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