“How can I protest against Google / Microsoft / Meta / Amazon? I use their stuff all the time.”
People in tech - 2024
The quote is something that I hear a lot from people working the technology industry. The feeling that you can not protest against against these companies direct involvement in the genocide in occupied Palestine without being a hypocrite. Let’s look into where these feelings come from, and why this idea is just plain wrong.
Hvis du hver eneste dag, i hver eneste situasjon og hver eneste anledning blir fortalt indirekte at det du vet 100% er riktig, faktisk er feil, hva skjer med deg da?
I over ett år har folkemordet i okkuperte Palestina pågått. Folk over hele landet har protester og sagt fra ar vi vil ha handling fra våre folkevalgte. Ingenting skjer. Hvis du følger de store mediene, så finnes det ingen protest eller kritikk mot den norske linjen.
In her speech (audio of the speeach)at the National Women’s Caucus, Fanny Lou Hammer uttered the words of the title of this article. It has since been echoed by people and struggles all over our earth.
I have used this slogan in posts and writings as a way to signal my position and to show that I understand that things are connected. It wasn’t until I was on a five hours drive listening to a conversation on Upstream podcast that I actually internalized and understood what this phrase means.
Vi har lett for å skylde på andre når våre fordommer og rasisme vises i det offentlige rom. Et ferskt eksempel er når vi snakker om folkemordet i Palestina. Folk bruker polarisering som grunn til at de ikke vil stå fram eller vise støtte for Palestineres rett til å eksistere. Det er en betimelig unnskyldning at sosiale medier og importerte problemer fra USA er grunnen til stillheten fra ledere og bedrifter.
I was progressing through my thirties and I was cleaning out some stuff in my parents garage when I found some old fanzines from when I was young. It reminded me of a time when I was politically conscious. Reflecting on it I realized that I had somehow lost connection with this part of me, life and things came in the way. The fire I had was gone and it saddened me.