I was incredibly fed up waiting for the chance to make a living writing code. Since I was very young, I’d wanted to program computers for a living. The years it took me to get there felt like an endless wait of learning things I didn’t care for. Looking back though, the learning I didn’t care for was perhaps the most valuable. Anyways…. When I finally was given a job as a programmer I was living the dream, my dream.
I realized today that my way of doing things is really quite simple, so I decided to write it down: This is my natural way of doing things. However, not everyone follow this simple three step process. It is like my current boss said: “I assume you just set off down a hill when you go skiing”. My response was: “Of course, I always do that. Don’t you?”. If you know everything about the terrain and have identified all the possible consequences, to me, you have removed all the fun.
First thing about giving advice is that you should add a disclaimer: “These are my experiences, views and opinions. Treat them as such and then make your own reflections on whether they’re worth taking to hear or not” The version of me that existed a couple of years ago would not add the disclaimer. I’d just burst out my opinions as truths without blinking. Anything from advice on coding to career advice I’d lay out without giving it a second thought.
I read someone outlining a process for making change happen in an organization. Later on I realized, I’ve done that! Perhaps I should share? When I get those thoughts I my brain rest until I’ve poured the idea out into some kind of digital form. A twitter rant perhaps? Or in this case, a blog post. I grew up on a mountain farm in a very small town. Growing up in such a place sometimes gives you a bit of baggage which will serve you well for the rest of your life.
Denne posten har tittel som en selvhjelpsartikkel, så dere som kjenner meg tenker kanskje jeg har gått helt Kåre Willoch og blitt bløt på mine eldre dager. Dere får bare bære over meg for den cheesy tittelen, den er for å få likes på LinkedIn og bygge kredibilitet i coaching kretser.
Jeg begynte i februar 2016 i det som er min tiende jobb siden jeg fikk min første betale jobb som programmerer i 1998.